Saturday, March 6, 2010

National Youth Leadership Training

New format for 2010: Two Weekend Course
June 25-28 and July 9-11, 2010

This year NYLT will be conducted over two weekends (as opposed to a week-long course previously). NYLT is an outdoor experience for current and future leaders in support of the Scoutmaster’s responsibility for the training of his Youth Leaders. The conference utilizes the standard troop structure using the patrol method. Patrol leadership changes daily to give all Scouts a chance to be a Patrol Leader or Assistant. The participants will write their own Vision Statements in which they will plan how to use their newly acquired skills in their home troops. The Conference has been developed by the National Council BSA. The conference is the highest leadership training offered to Youth Leaders at the Council level.
Who may attend?
Participants may be any current or future leader in any Scouting position. Also to be eligible attend they must be at least First Class in rank and thirteen years old by the start of the course. Each Scout must also have a working knowledge of camping, hiking and cooking over an open fire in all weather conditions and have the written approval of his Scoutmaster. Enrollment is limited to 48 qualified participants.
What is the cost of the course?
The total cost for NYLT is $210, which covers course materials, T-Shirt, hat and food for the course. A fee of $75 is required with the application form and the remaining $135 is due no later than June 11th. You are encouraged to sign up early to hold your slot.
What's the date?
First weekend: Check in is at 7 pm Friday, June 25th and will end at 6 pm Monday, June 28th, 2010. Location to be determined.
Second weekend: Check in is at 7 pm Friday, July 9th and participants will be ready to depart following the closing ceremony on Sunday, July 11, 2010 (around 6 pm). Participants must attend both weekends to complete the course. Parents and Scoutmasters will be invited to attend the closing ceremony on July 11th to celebrate their Scout’s accomplishments. Location: Camp Reeves, Carthage, NC.
How can I register for this course?
Applications can be found online through the Council calendar for June or contact Kathy Connelly to obtain an application via email. For more information please contact Kathy Connelly-NYLT Coordinator at or call her at 919-779-6784.
Interested in being on staff?
We are now accepting applications for youth and adult staff. If interested please contact Kathy Connelly for an application form. Don’t hesitate, staff development starts in April. More information can be found on the Council website under the calendar section for June. Contact: Kathy Connelly at
More Information 

1 comment:

F said...

This sounds like a nice program. I hope this will be successful and fruitful as can be... Good luck!

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