Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Camping Prep for trip to Jordan Lake

Gray did a great job this evening in coordinating the planning for the troop outing to Jordan Lake that is scheduled for this weekend. It appears that 12 scouts will be on this outing, with Gray, Macon and Stuart serving as primary cooks for the 3 cook groups.

Don't forget to bring a sack lunch for Saturday.
You can obtain a gear packing list, in PDF form, from "Camping Checkoff" link found in the "Other Forms" area of:

Those scouts who will be working on 2nd class cooking will need to bring $3 to contribute to the primary cook/food buyer of your group, while others need to bring $6 to contribute to the cooks for food costs. Please bring your money on Saturday!

Mr. Vozzo, Mr. Russell and Mr. Wells will be driving.

We will meet at Western Blvd. Presbyterian Church at 8 A.M. on Saturday and we will return between 12:30 and 1 P.M. on Sunday.

Yours in Scouting,

Joe Wells

Thursday, November 5, 2009

11/04/09 Spaghetti Dinner overveiw

Next weekend we will be going to Jordan Lake. This trip will be from Saturday to Sunday.

Last weekend was the Spaghetti Dinner. We raised about $1800 dollars. Last night we made a plus delta on it.
Some of the pluses were:
- Passing out flyers
- A lot of people
- Good food
- made a lot of money
- waiting tables
- ordering systems
- deserts
- Good weather
- teamwork
- containers
some of the deltas were:
- lull from 1-4
- long day
- spilled drink
- music
- deliveries

The troops anuall ski trip is coming up and we need to know who is going and we need sleeping money. one night is $16.95 and $34.00. Ski's are $65.00 and Boards are $84.00.