Monday, September 21, 2009

Update for the week of 9/21/2009


With the 2009 Fall Court of Honor occurring on 9/30/2009, there will be a number of Board of Reviews going on over the course of this week’s meeting period.  Patrol break outs will include preparing for the Court of Honor and supply room inventory.

Scouts participating in Board of Reviews need to appear in full “class A” uniform.

Yours in Scouting, Joe Wells

Thursday, September 17, 2009

9/16 Meeting Follow-Up

Trail’s End Popcorn: My apologies for not having all the details put together about how this [optional] fundraiser would work this year. I believe the Order and Prize forms are self-explanatory. For additional details, please look here: (2009 Popcorn Info)

If you need additional order forms, just let me know!

2009 NAT-E-CON Council Camporee October 9-11
Registration was received (and t-shirts order by a few) for:
  • Youth (11): Aaron, Athre, Ben, Eric, Gray, Luke, Owen, Stuart, Tristan, Walter, Will
  • Adults (3): Mr. Vozzo, Mr. Wells, Mr. Russell
Late registration will be available for an additional $5. LOTS of information is available here.

More discussions ahead about the Council Camporee, merit badge sign-up, activities, and logistics!

Scouting Regards, Wanda Wells

Monday, September 14, 2009



This was a great time of year to be at Hanging Rock State Park, as the temperature and weather were ideal.  We took a nice hike on Saturday on the Moore’s Wall Loop Trail.

On Tuesday, September 15, the Pack will be hosting another Join Scout Night event.  Then on Saturday, September 19th they will be having a Bike Rodeo at WBPC.  There are opportunities for scouts from the troop to help with both events.

If scouts want a Board of Review prior to the Court on Honor on September 30th, please let Mr. Price know by Monday, September 21st.

If you plan on attending the Camp-o-ree on October 10th, bring your registration money to the meeting this week.  Wanda sent out the details of that outing. Also, if you have not paid up for food for the Hanging Rock outing, bring that money to this week’s meeting.

Yours in Scouting,
Joe Wells

Tuesday, September 8, 2009



The Personal Fitness evening at A.B. Combs went off well last Wednesday evening. It was a great evening for the various activities there.

This week’s meeting will focus on preparing for the upcoming outing to Hanging Rock State Park for the weekend of September 11-13. The park offers a number of great hiking trails and many spectacular views. Scouts who will be attending the outing should bring $8 to help with
food costs.

Scouts who want to work on 1st Class or 2nd Class cooking requirements, please submit your menu ideas to either Mr. Vozzo or Mr. Wells by Wednesday evening.

On Thursday night, the Cub Scouts will be hosting a Join Scout night. It is helpful if a few of the Boy Scouts can also be present. Please let me know if you can assist. The hours will be 7-8:30pm.

Yours in Scouting,
Joe Wells

Tuesday, September 1, 2009



Where do we meet this week? NOT at Western Blvd. Presbyterian Church.

We are going to roll back two weeks and try again with meeting at A.B. Combs Elementary school, around the blue canopy, at 7:15pm. Be dressed for action (class b). Scout uniform is NOT needed this week. Be sure to wear footware appropriate for running! Scouts who have taken Personal Fitness or are taking that merit badge are encouraged to bring their activity logs.

First year scouts, working on Tenderfoot will be working on the followup (or beginning) for their Personal Fitness requirements for that rank.

A number of scouts who attended summer camp have asked about what they need to do to complete merit badges they took at summer camp. Many merit badges were completed. Those who had incomplete merit badges, as reported from Camp Ravenknob, are listed below. NOTE: some scouts have completed the remaining requirements since summer camp.

See you all on Wednesday at A.B. Combs! Bring your books.

Yours in Scouting, Joe Wells